Best Paper Awards
Best Paper
A Collaborative Approach to Support Medication Management in Older Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment Using Conversational Assistants (CAs)
Niharika Mathur (Georgia Tech), Tamara Zubatiy (Georgia Tech), Jiachen Li (Georgia Tech), Brian Jones (Georgia Tech), Elizabeth Mynatt (Northeastern University)
Best Student Paper
AAC with Automated Vocabulary from Photographs: Insights from School and Speech-Language Therapy Settings
Mauricio Fontana de Vargas, Jiamin Dai, Karyn Moffatt (McGill University, Canada)
Best Artifact Awards
1st Place
AAC with Automated Vocabulary from Photographs: Insights from School and Speech-Language Therapy Settings
Mauricio Fontana de Vargas, Jiamin Dai, Karyn Moffatt (McGill University, Canada)
CodeWalk: Facilitating Shared Awareness in Mixed-Ability Collaborative Software Development
Venkatesh Potluri (University of Washington, USA), Maulishree Pandey (University of Michigan, USA), Andrew Begel, Michael Barnett, Scott Reitherman (Microsoft Research, USA)
3rd Place
UnlockedMaps: Visualizing Real-Time Accessibility of Urban Rail Transit Using a Web-Based Map
Ather Sharif, Aneesha Ramesh, Trung-Anh H. Nguyen, Luna Chen, Kent R. Zeng, Lanqing Hou, Xuhai Xu (University of Washington, USA)
Student Research Competition
Undergraduate Category
1st Place
Challenges and Opportunities in Creating An Accessible Web Application for Learning Organic Chemistry
Allyson Grace Yu (Temple University)
Graduate Category
1st Place
Investigating Sign Language Interpreter Rendering and Guiding Methods in Virtual Reality 360-Degree Content
Craig Anderton (Birmingham City University)
2nd Place
FootUI: Designing and Detecting Foot Gestures to Assist People with Upper Body Motor Impairments to Use Smartphones on the Bed
Hu Xiaozhu (University of Science and Technology Hong Kong, Tsinghua University), Jiting Wang (Tsinghua University), Weiwei Gao (Tsinghua University), Yongquan Hu (University of New South Wales)